Get or Set Bank Account Metadata

This allows you to, based off of the 'data' array value, get or set the metadata on a specific account.

Parameter Type Required Default Description
id Int Yes N/A The bank account's ID found in your Checkissuing dashboard or in the account's information returned from various API calls
delete_empty Bool No No If the API should delete metadata entries when a blank value is passed or if it is not passed at all.
data[name_on_checks] String No N/A The name that appears on the top left of checks from this account.
data[address_on_checks] String No N/A The address that appears on the top left of checks from this account.
data[bank_name] String No N/A The name of the bank as it appears on checks from this account.
data[bank_address] String No N/A The add ressof the bank as it appears on checks from this account.
data[starting_check_num] Int No N/A The check number to start at for checks from this account.
data[fractional_routing] String No N/A The fraction routing code for checks from this account.
data[logo] Int/String No N/A The id or filename of the logo to use by default for checks from this account.
data[return_mailto] String No N/A The name portion of the return address for mailed checks from this account.
data[return_address] String No N/A The return address for mailed checks from this account.
Sample Response
{"status":1,"errors":[],"error_message":"","account":{"id":"30","m2mr_id":null,"created_ts":"2019-10-15 19:16:17", "name":"Business Analysis Checking XXXX2938","acct_type":"checking","acct_num":"2012938","routing_num":"312270324","verified":"1","deleted":"0"}, "metadata":{"name_on_checks":"Mark Greenspan","bank_name":"Bank34","starting_check_num":"1000","fractional_routing":"1234-76\/23","logo":"", "address_on_checks":"1835 E. Sixth St. \nTempe, AZ 85281","return_address":"1835 E. Sixth St. \nTempe, AZ 85281", "bank_address":"1835 E. Sixth St. \nTempe, AZ 85281","sec_sig_threshold":"250","current_check_num":"1002"}}